Welcome to the documentation of krdict.py, a python package that helps to query the API of the National Institute of Korean Language's Korean Learners' Dictionary.


To install the package via pip, run:

pip install krdict.py

You can also install from one of the GitHub releases.


To use most of the functionality provided by this package, you'll need to generate an API key via the portal (requires login).

A minimal example query that assumes the KRDICT_KEY environment variable is set:

import os
import json
import krdict

response = krdict.search(query='나무', raise_api_errors=True)

print(json.dumps(response.asdict(), indent=2, ensure_ascii=False))

Assuming an error does not occur, the output will be similar to:

  "data": {
    "results": [
        "target_code": 32750,
        "word": "나무",
        "pronunciation": "나무",
        "definitions": [
            "order": 1,
            "definition": "단단한 줄기에 가지와 잎이 달린, 여러 해 동안 자라는 식물."
  "request_params": {
    "q": "나무",
    "key": "YOUR_API_KEY"

For more information, see the other examples. The package also provides various helper types and utilities for scraping in the scraper module.